建物の屋根へのジャンプ   Jumping on the roof of the building

ここはバイクでしかのれないと思ってたのですが、 スパイカー D8 Peking-to-Paris でものれました。 GPSマップを見て頂ければ分かると思いますが、かなり何度もやり直しました(笑)。
Although we thought that we could go up to this roof only by motorbike, it turned out that we can go up also by Spiker D8 Peking-to-Paris here. If you look at a GPS map, you turn out that I redid this repeatedly.

Re-challenge. I was able to go up to the roof easily this time.

As B had joined me, we jumped to the roof instantly.

二人でビルの内部へ   We entered to the inside of the building.

It was narrow here to change the direction of car, and my car fell.

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