How to go there

最初に路面下に入るのはバイク限定です。 上手く入れたら、チャレンジ・エディタでお好みの車に変えることができます。
We put in under the road surface first only by motorbike. If we put in well, we can change a motorbike into a car which we like by the challenge editor.

We can enter from four places of the both ends of the bridge.

ここから入ります。   Enter from here.

ゆっくりとやや外側から回り込みます。   Turn from the outside a little slowly.

Change direction, if you enter under the road surface. And follow the place of a just before near the side wall of the road.

If you look at the wall of the anchor of the bridge, go exceeding it.

これで自由に路面下を走れます。 同じ構造をもつ他の高架道路もこの方法で入ることができます。
We can run under the road surface freely now. We can enter by this method in other elevated roads with the same structure.