#7 南海岸の灯台   The lighthouse at the southern seashore

南海岸に3つ灯台があるのですが、その内の真ん中の一つです。 ハワイオアフ島よりもたくさん灯台があるのに、 イビサの場合、最南端の灯台がありません。 何回か探したのですが、見つかりませんでした。 不思議です。
Three lighthouses are located in the southern shore of Ibiza, and this lighthouse is one of and the middle of them. It is strange that there is not a lighthouse at the southernmost tip of Ibiza, although there are many lighthouses in Ibiza rather than Oahu Hawaii. Although I looked for it several times, I was not able to find it.

#8 南海岸の灯台   The lighthouse at the southern seashore

南海岸にある灯台の一番西のです。 ここは半島のかなり高いところにあるので、 ここからの眺めはなかなかいいです。
This lighthouse is the one of the three lighthouses on the southern seashore, and is west most. Since this is in the quite high place of the peninsula, the view from here is rather good.

#9 西海岸の灯台   The lighthouse at the western seashore

この灯台はすごい場所にあります。 道路からは簡単に近づくことができるのですが、 まわりは断崖絶壁。
This lighthouse is located at an uncanny place. We can go from a road to this lighthouse easily. However, the surroundings of it are a precipitous cliff.

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