Route of 'Race around Hawaii' (1)
ハワイ一周レース「Race around Hawaii」のコースをマップにまとめてみました。
コースの全長 (251.1km) がわかっているので、レースに入ることなく、自由に
I have made maps of the route of 'Race around Hawaii'.
Since we know the full length of the course, that is 251.1km,
they may be useful in the case that we want to measure freely
average speed of our car at long distance without entering a race.
(No one may want to measure such a average speed.)
It is a start point.
We can take the easy route to Hawaii Airport
(Oahu northern coast near the westermost end).
We pass by the lighthouse at the westernmost tip in Oahu.
このコースの最北端 The northernmost point of the course
次の交差点で左折 Turn left at the next crossing